(In this image you can see the headquarters of Instituto Cervantes in Beijing, New York, Moscow, Belgrado, Vienna, and many other cities in the World).
An own state offers an excellent and stable base on which a country can promote its culture and its language (or languages). This stability gives support to thousands of artists, writers, singers, orchestras, theather groups, movie directors, etcetera.
One example is Spain. Spain, such as many other European countries, has a great institute to promote "Spanish culture and culture in Spanish language (see link 1). I must add to this sentence, that there isn't in fact such a thing as A Spanish language, as there isn't such a thing as A European language, or a Belgian language. It is not only wrong to speak of A Spanish language, it also shows the desire to assimilate all other cultures that are in this terrirory and make them disappear.
But the entire world believes them and they are satisfied with this misunderstanding they have created and keep alive.
With an own state, the Castillians and Castillian speaking communities of Spain, enjoy an amount of 103.000.000 euros a year to promote their language abroad.
This gives them great oportunities and supports thousands of their professionals all around the globe, only in their language and their culture, only to promote their language and their culture.
It would be reasonable, seen that 18% of the population of Spain speak Catalan, that 18% of this money would be spent to promote Catalan culture and language.
The Castillians enjoy with this institution huge buildings with headquarters in 78 cities around the globe.
Year after year they can support 3500 artists, writers, scientists, architects, etc.
They can finance every year:
2500 projections
500 cinema circles
450 concerts,
475 conferences,
375 exhibitions,
250 workshops on their culture,
and last but not least, a party called 'Dia del español', and with this they do not mean the day for the Spanish citizen, they mean it as a party for everyone who speaks their language. So, we catalans and our language are not invited. Nor are basque nor Galician.
The Spanish government increased last year Instituto Cervantes' budget. And this year, despite the serious financial crisis, they have ensured the same budget as last year.
Budget Instituto Cervantes the last 3 years in million euros:
2009 – 102,4
2010 – 103
2011 – 103
(links 2,3,and 4)
As you might know, Catalonia doesn't have a secure money source in order to support Catalan language and culture. Without an own state, every year we miss the oportunity to support and promote thousands of Catalan artists, writers, scientists, philosophers, actors, etc, who are interested to promote their culture and their language.
It is logical very few people know anything about Catalonia at all and come to Catalonia thinking they go to the country of Spanish language, Sangria and Flamenco.
The Catalan government has been able to spend 2,5 million euros a year in 2009 and also in 2010 for this purpose. (see link 5)
But this year this might be half of that if we are lucky. (link 6). The Catalan government must cut costs and they shall cut drastically on expenses on this matter. It is the world upside down that we are paying more than anyone in Spain, they get away with our money, we have to cut costs so that they can go on spending as if there was no crisis at all.
With an own state, we will be able to have our own cultural centres and promote our culture and language abroad. We shall be able to multiply at least 10 times our expenses on this matter.
This is a good reason, financial and cultural at the same time, to wish independence for Catalonia.
2 “Instituto Cervantes no sufrirá recortes presupuestarios en 2011”
2009 - 102,4 milions d'euros
(source: http://www.finanzas.com/noticias/formacion/2008-10-06/48704_directora-instituto-cervantes-califica-presupuesto.html)
2010 – 103 milions d'euros
2011 – 103 milions d'euros
(source: http://noticierodiario.com.ar/el-instituto-cervantes-cumple-20-anos/).
Pressupost per a les comunitats a l'exterior (dedicades a promocionar la cultura i la llengua catalana)
2009 – 2,5
2010 – 2,5
2011 – ??