diumenge, 29 de desembre del 2013

Reason 38: Only with the independence we will be able to decide by ourselves a proper abortion law

Late 1936, the Government of Catalonia created the first abortion law in the Iberian peninsula and one of the first in the world. 
With the abolition of the Republic, due to the coup d'etat of General Franco and the fascist victory at the Spanish Civil War, the Catalan law was abolished. 
It was not until 1985, with Act 9/1985 , abortion was allowed in Spain, but only in three cases: serious physical or mental health problem of the mother, rape or malformations of the fetus. 
In 2010 they created the new Act 2 /2010, which expanded the possibilities for abortion.
Now, in 2013, the Spanish government wants to create a new law that will restrict abortion even more than it was in 1985.
Catalonia was one of the most advanced countries in the world in this regard. Spain forced us, against our wish to remain in the nineteenth century for most of the twentieth century.  
This is another example that it is too difficult to improve too many things as long as we stay under Spanish rule. We Catalans cannot decide almost anything. There is clearly a cultural difference between Catalan and Castilian mentality. This difference makes us want to decide by ourselves how we want to organise ourselves, and Spain will not allow it. They do this with our education system, with our cultural activities, and also by revoking any law they don't like, such as the Catalan prohibition of bull fights. 

We Catalans want to decide by ourselves instead of being subordinated to the mentality of the neighbour country (Spain), that do not (want to) understand us and think in a different way than us. This difference has nothing to do with being better or worse. We are just different. 
This difference is reflected in the difference between the Catalan and the Spanish political spectrum. 

Therefore, my conclusion remains : we need a state of our own in order to normalise what we already did in 1936. 

More information (Catalan):
Més informació: 

(image source: http://cortobert.cat/2013-05-31-no-a-retallades-en-drets-de-les-dones-a-lavortament/)